
I am Contemplating an individual. What Exactly Do I Actually Do?

Reader Question:

we work at an office I am also really contemplating one of the patients. He’s 34 and I’m 24. I really have no idea what you should do. I understand easily tell my company supervisor, she’s going to spread the phrase and tell him I’m curious. I am only so shy and scared about him knowing.
just what carry out We do?
-Natasha (Massachusetts) 

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s response:

Dear Natasha: if you should be too bashful or its inappropriate to flirt at the office, i am mostly for making use of a foot soldier. Any time you believe this company manager and believe she’s got your absolute best interests in your mind, subsequently let her perform matchmaker. If in case he isn’t interested, you haven’t embarrassed yourself.

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s response:

No counseling or therapy advice: the website does not provide psychotherapy advice. Your website is intended mainly for use by consumers searching for common info interesting for dilemmas individuals may face as individuals and also in interactions and related topics. Material is certainly not designed to change or serve as replacement for professional assessment or service. Contained findings and viewpoints should not be misconstrued as particular guidance guidance.

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