
your Future

Looking to transition upwards?

We support individuals and companies to invest in their future.

"As someone who has worked in the private sector my entire career, what I appreciated about the approach was that even guidance was developmental... taught me how to think about the questions and find the answers for myself. These are skills that stay with you for the long term, and have the most profound impact on your professional life."
Simon Horwell
Chicago Indoor Sports
Moxie Global is a CPD accredited provider offering professional development for individuals seeking to develop the tools and skills needed for future proofed leadership. We offer high quality executive learning that you can translate into action in your work.

Here are some of our most popular combo coaching + workshop

Mastering Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity incorporates independent thinking and perspectives providing the instrument to design artefacts that reflect the new emerging future.

Diversity delivers results.
Make a success of diversity in all areas developing a sense of accountability.

Mastering a Legitimate Executive Presence

Develop and demonstrate credibility by making the most of your skills and the most of your brand.

Your portfolio should be aligned with goals. Regularly monitor and proactively develop skills. Visibility and purposeful action.

retreat happy group
Owner Management

Focus on your personal growth cultivating the leadership capabilities you need to support your company through its next stage of growth. Enhance your strategic network with other entrepreneurial owners.
Through workshops, executive group coaching sessions and the sharing of best practices, delegates gain the relevant tools they need to drive their business to succeed.

lady boss
Advancing Women in Leadership

This Leadership Programme for female executives helps to cultivate your leadership capabilities and to enhance your strategic network with other senior women.
Through in-depth executive group coaching sessions, the use of feedback tools, inspirational sessions, and the sharing of best practices, participants are given the development they need to make the next step in their career.

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Invest in People. Invest in Growth

We are looking forward to helping you.


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